Friday, April 11, 2008

First Group Post

We are talking about Wegmans here.  This blog is the culmination of group efforts to conduct research to understand all things pertaining to Wegmans and its effect on the community.  For those of you who don't know, Wegmans is a Rochester-based supermarket that has taken much of the Northeast by storm.  Especially in CNY, Wegmans seems to do no wrong.  It has been on the top of Fortune Magazine's list of the best places in the nation to work since the list was formed.  They give scholarships to employees, they give back to the community in many ways such as donations to schools for new buildings and even sponsoring a charity LPGA tournament.  Wegmans has even made an appear on cable television, for those of you who enjoy the office.  Boss Michael does in fact prefer Wegmans strawberry corn flakes and soy milk to all other brands.  But is Wegman's truly the infallible, wonderful establishment it seems to be?  We aim to find out, and our findings will be made available here to all who are interested.

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